With the element of mystery added by withholding information till the last moment, this event is perfect for generating enthusiasm and excitement. Could be anything, you never know what to expect. Schrodinger’s Cat.
The event starts on 9th November
Eligibility to participate in the event: Grades 9-12
Number of participants per team for each school: 2
Number of participants from each school permitted: Unrestricted
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the surprise event ?
Well, it’s a surprise. Join us to find out what fun awaits.
Do I need prior preparation before the event ?
No, of course not. There are no prerequisites.
What is the theme of the event ?
As in almost all our events, surprise will be themed around Aerospace and Aviation, with a slight sprinkle of pop culture movies.
Can you please reveal what surprise is beforehand ?
Alright! Just this once. Here is the document that has the details.